Broccoli | Outdoor | Dual Purpose | Hybrid
ATILON RZ F1  product photo view-5 L
ATILON RZ F1  product photo front L
ATILON RZ F1  product photo view-2 L
ATILON RZ F1  product photo view-3 L
ATILON RZ F1  product photo view-4 L
ATILON RZ F1  product photo view-5 L
ATILON RZ F1  product photo front L
ATILON RZ F1  product photo front S
ATILON RZ F1  product photo view-2 S
ATILON RZ F1  product photo view-3 S
ATILON RZ F1  product photo view-4 S
ATILON RZ F1  product photo view-5 S
  • Fresh market and processing
  • Late maturing
  • Very uniform
  • Strong resistances
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Variety name
Introduction number
25-BR841 RZ F1
Processing, Fresh, Bunching
Resistances (IR)
Leaf Color
Blue Green
Cultivation Season
Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter

Atilon RZ is a later maturing broccoli for fresh market and processing.

Atilon RZ is a vigorous plant type that produces a nice final product under stressful conditions. Atilon RZ is easy to harvest, has nice uniform bead size and is strong against leaf and head (Hb) downey mildew.

Atilon RZ is suitable for winter growing regions and summer where later maturity is desired.

Contact us to learn how Atilon RZ can add to your broccoli assortment!