Puntoverde RZ F1

Cauliflower | Outdoor | Romanesco | Green | Dual purpose | Hybrid
Puntoverde RZ F1 product photo view-3 L
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Puntoverde RZ F1 product photo view-3 L
Puntoverde RZ F1 product photo front L
Puntoverde RZ F1 product photo front S
Puntoverde RZ F1 product photo view-2 S
Puntoverde RZ F1 product photo view-3 S
  • Green Romanesco
  • Fresh market, processing and mini product
  • Good strength against disease
  • Year-round variety
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Variety name
Puntoverde RZ F1
Introduction number
Crop Type
Processing, Fresh, Mini Product
No brand
Resistances (IR)
Leaf Color

Puntoverde RZ is a hybrid green, Romanesco cauliflower variety. It is suitable for both the fresh market and processing and makes an attractive mini product.

Puntoverde RZ has an intense green color and a dense curd, which remains free from mildew. The points are slightly blunt, making them less susceptible to damage during handling. The crop has strong vigor and is very healthy. The most suitable Green Romanesco on the market for hot growing conditions!

Puntoverde RZ takes 85-100 days to mature in spring and autumn, 75-85 days in summer and 100-110 days in winter.

Puntoverde RZ is recommended for all climates, except for regions with hot summers.

Contact us to learn how Puntoverde RZ can add to your cauliflower assortment!