Tomato | Indoor | Cherry | Loose & Truss | Red
HYRULE RZ F1  product photo view-5 L
HYRULE RZ F1  product photo front L
HYRULE RZ F1  product photo view-2 L
HYRULE RZ F1  product photo view-3 L
HYRULE RZ F1  product photo view-4 L
HYRULE RZ F1  product photo view-5 L
HYRULE RZ F1  product photo front L
HYRULE RZ F1  product photo front S
HYRULE RZ F1  product photo view-2 S
HYRULE RZ F1  product photo view-3 S
HYRULE RZ F1  product photo view-4 S
HYRULE RZ F1  product photo view-5 S
Logo Rugose Defense
  • Perfect balance yield and flavor
  • Flat, uniform fishbone trusses
  • No split fruit
  • Suitable for all harvesting
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Variety name
Introduction number
72-CH0359 RZ F1
Crop Type
Cherry tomato
Product label
GSPP, Square Meter, Rugose Defense
Resistances (HR)
Resistances (IR)

Hyrule RZ is a red, cherry tomato from our Rugose Defense brand.

This Cherry TOV variety offers remarkable production levels, excellent flavor, and a strong resistance against ToBRFV.

The uniform, visually appealing single trusses come from a slightly vegetative crop. The firm, crunchy fruits with a high brix level have clusters that resist splitting, ensuring extended shelf life and a high marketable yield.

Contact us to learn how Hyrule RZ can add to your tomato assortment!